Featured Small Business - S. Lynch Knitwear

Wow. It's been a hot minute since our last post (about 2 months, but, um who's counting?!) Okay, okay, Barry is counting ;)  2020 has been a complete wash out so far and we are quite ready to be through this chapter, and you know what, we are making the best of it and getting through it. Together.

Whilst unsure how to treat this space, but with the feeling to nurture it and grow it - we want to share so much know how, tips and tricks about our products, the behind the scenes stories AND most of all, stories of the people we consider family to share with you. Stockists. Friends. Lovers of Sea Love Candle & Company. Our people. Our community. 

And to be quite honest; if anything through this time, has created space for contemplation and creation which we now believe it is time to do something special and crazy and share, starting with well, us. So here it goes.   

I feel like you know us quite well already.  Or me at least.  I've always meant to introduce Barry and well, I never actually have. So we'll definitely share the story of Us, him and me, me and him and the business.  But this month, as we move into our New England Autumn season (my fav!) and continue to share our love for small business, I'd like to introduce you to my friend Samantha!


  • Tell us about your business and what you do (name, location, type of business).

My cozy small shop is called S. Lynch Knitwear. It is a small apparel/accessory company currently located right outside of Louisville, Kentucky. 

  • When did you open your business and how did you get started?

I opened my business in the fall of 2017. I have been crocheting since I was seven, a skill that was taught to me by my Nana that I will forever cherish. I taught myself to knit by watching YouTube in the summer of 2017 and launched SLK that fall. 

  • What is your favorite part of being a store owner?  Least favorite?

My most favorite part about being a small business/shop owner is seeing where my knitted pieces end up. I have shipped items all over the US and even to Belgium! I also love the relationships I have made with store owners from wholesaling as well. My least favorite part of being a small business owner is the book keeping end of things- I am not a math person, so my husband helps out a lot with that! 

  • From where do you draw your inspiration and decide on the products you want to offer?

Most of my inspiration comes from my travels and adventures, more specifically in New England. I have always been drawn to NE- the coast, the mountains- there is just so much beauty and I’m often found exploring up there any chance I get. I am also a huge fan of autumn and Halloween so I knew I wanted to produce cozy products people can wear on their autumn/winter adventures. 


  • What values does your business embody?

When I started SLK, I knew I wanted to build a brand based on passion and adventure as well as honesty and trustworthiness. I want to continue to build a brand that my customers go to time after time and continue to provide products of the upmost quality.  I want my customers to be inspired by my stories of adventure behind every product and hopefully make them want to get out an explore too (and not forget to pack their favorite beanie!). 

  • Is your business a full time or part time venture? Do you have plans to grow/expand?

SLK is definitely a seasonal, part- time gig. I work full-time as a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and am happy with having SLK as my side-hustle. There is just something about being a small-handmade business that customers love and I don’t want to change that vibe. As far as plans to grow, I would love to see more of my hats in store! 

  • There are many challenging that come along with running a small business. What is your biggest challenge and what is your biggest reward or success?

One of my biggest challenges right now is being a seasonal brand. From March-August no one is thinking about knitwear, so I am trying to branch out into other apparel/accessory outlets to offer my customers something in all 4 seasons. My biggest reward or success is all of the networking and relationships I have made with other small businesses. Instagram has such a great community of small business owners/entrepreneurs who I have been introduced to and now call friends. A lot of great opportunities have come up for me through the platform and I just love connecting with other shop owners (and of course getting to meet them in real life!).  

  • How do you spend your time when you aren’t in your store or creating your product?

As stated earlier, I LOVE to travel, especially in New England. I love creating travel content that other businesses can use through my photography and freelance writing. When I am not traveling or working, I love spending time with my family, 2 dogs, and friends. 

  • How did you discover Sea Love Candles & Company?

I believe we found each other through Instagram and started supporting each other through the platform. I then had the idea to host a giveaway with you and the rest is history. I so enjoyed finally meeting you in person and getting to visit your AMAZING store and participate in your candle pouring experience- definitely a trip I will never forget! 

  • Where can people go to find more about your business (website, social media accounts)?

I am on Instagram @slynchknitwear and my knitwear can be purchased on Etsy and also in store at Daytrip Society in Kennebunkport :) !

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